Program Itineraries

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High School Detailed Itinerary

General Program Itinerary

A typical day with T&E:

  • 9am – 1pm – Spanish language immersion courses

    After a light breakfast in the Spanish style with their Spanish host family, students will begin their day by coming to one of our two assigned centers for their Spanish immersion. For beginners, this will consist of intensive grammar instruction and oral practice, and intermediate to advanced students can choose from courses in Spanish literature, art, and culture as well as other options offered by our centers. 10 minute breaks provided between sections.

  • 2:30 – 4pm – Lunch with Spanish host family

    Part of the cultural experience for our program participants is the time they spend with their host families. The afternoon meal is the largest meal of the day. This time is scared to Spanish life, and it is a period during each day that family members have a chance to converse and reflect on events in Spain and their daily lives. The idea of a siesta in which Spaniards take 20 minutes to relax is used to reenergize during this time as well. All stores and shops are closed and reopen at 5pm.

  • 5:30 – 8pm – Varied socio-cultural activities

    Students can take part in a multitude of activities which are designed to enhance the cultural aspect of the program. Students will visit nearby historical sites,museums, and special attractions. They will also be able to take part in various sports, go swimming or horseback riding, or take Spanish sevillana or flamenco style dance lessons or cooking classes. Some activities require a minimum number of participants.

  • 8 – 10pm – Dinner with host families

    Dinners in Spain are lighter meals and are usually later than in the US. In the summer months dinner can be as last as 10pm! Given that it does not get dark until almost 11pm in Salamanca, it is not unusual to see Spanish families with small children go out for an ice cream after dinner and be out until after midnight. T&E will provide various chaperoned opportunities to experience Spanish life during the evening hours by taking students on organized tapas tours and special outings on given days (see program itinerary for details). T&E will escort students back to their respective homestays after every outing.

  • Weekday and Weekend Excursions

    T&E will provide detailed itineraries before excursion dates during T&E weekly briefings with site information for each student. Participants will meet in the morning with packed lunches provided by their homestay families. While at the excursion sites, students will receive a guided tour of the site and visit historically significant monuments with entrance fee included. They will return in time for dinner with their homestay families.

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Feasterville, PA 19053
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